Steps to Choosing a Hearing Aid

Steps to Choosing a Hearing Aid

Have you noticed that you hear but don’t always understand what is said? Perhaps you feel as if others are mumbling. These are often the first signs of hearing loss that bring people to our office. When hearing loss is present, it is common to hear better at some pitches and worse at others which is why most people feel that they hear but do not have clarity to understand.

A hearing test will help us understand the unique features of your hearing loss, and is the first step to choosing an appropriate hearing aid. Some types of hearing aids are better suited for certain hearing losses, and your audiologist will help you better understand your options and what you can expect.

The good news is that today’s hearing aids are better and more discreet than ever before. In fact hearing aids today have the highest satisfaction rates ever recorded from hearing aid users. However, no one size or type of hearing aid is best for everyone which make the expertise an audiologist provides invaluable to your success.

What is an audiologist?

With so many factors to consider, many patients feel overwhelmed. Choosing a professional you trust to help you navigate the many options available is a great start to better hearing.

Professionally, an audiologist is someone who specializes in the testing, management, and rehabilitation of individuals with hearing impairment and balance disorders. Educationally, an audiologist may achieve a doctoral degree (Au.D.).

However, an audiologist does so much more than sell hearing aids. An audiologist will take the time to consider all the factors that will improve your overall communication. Sometimes that means counseling your spouse or family on what they can do to maximize your hearing, or helping you select features that will work in your place of worship or in the workplace. An audiologist is someone who understands that better communication is more than just hearing aids, and will take the time to consider what you need to achieve your goals of better hearing and communication.

Audiology Associates of North Florida is the only local clinic with both audiologists and ENT physicians on site to ensure our patients receive the most experienced and comprehensive hearing care in the area. We hope that you will take those first steps to see for yourself how our team can improve your hearing loss.

First Steps

If after a hearing evaluation it is determined that you are a candidate for hearing aids, you can schedule a consultation appointment with your audiologist. During this no charge, no co-pay visit, your audiologist will develop a communication plan that will include personalized recommendations for better hearing. It is normal to feel overwhelmed with options, and this is a good time to begin to understand what is available for your specific needs. Many patients bring a spouse of family member to these appointments.

Some of the considerations we take into account are:

  • Your previous experience with amplification
  • Your individual communication needs
  • Your hearing test
  • Your budget and financing options

We know that hearing aids are an investment, and it is understandable that many people do not want commit to purchasing them before they know how they will work for them and their individual needs. Therefore, we encourage you to do a take-home hearing aid trial before a purchase which allows you to assess the benefit of amplification in your daily life over a two week period. The cost for this optional service is $150 which is non-refundable but will be applied toward a hearing aid should you decide to purchase.